Os males da liberdade se corrigem com mais liberdade!

I should have loved freedom, I believe, at all times, but in the time in which we live I am ready to worship it.
- Democracy in America - Volume 2, Alexis de Tocqueville - Sever and Francis, 1864

sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010

Começa assim:

Newspapers in Argentina will only be sold in newsstands: "52389_kiosco_diarios.jpgArgentinean President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner signed on Wednesday a decree that regulates the distribution of newspapers and magazines and recognises newsstands clerks as the only workers allow to sell them, El Clarin reported.

The new regulation stipulates the creation of a national registry of newsstands in order to combat unauthorised sale channels such as supermarkets and gas stations, Terra.com.ar explained.

Photo source: El Diario 24

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